Enugwu ukwu has always been on the news headline as one of the top communities that has done enormously well in taking care of there community people in order to cushion the ravaging effects of Covid’19

Enugwu-ukwu Community Development Union, United States of America (ECDU-USA) under the chairmanship of Sir, Basil Mbuba has yesterday June 5,2020 released the total sum of Eleven Million , Six Hundred and Ten Thousand Naira only (#11,610,000) to HRM Sir Ralph Obumneme Ekpeh, Eze Enugwu-ukwu na Igwe Umunri to be shared to the 18 villages of Enugwu-ukwu Town and to be further shared to the indigenes of the villages.
Presenting the cheque to Eze Enugwu-ukwu na Igwe Umunri, the President General Enugwu-ukwu Community Development Union (ECDU) Hon Comr Bonny Ozo Nkwuaku who ably represented the President of ECDU-USA Sir Basil Mbuba, said that the money is to cushion the negative effect which may arise from the lockdown, as many may have lost not only their businesses but capital to start up again.

Sir Basil Mbuba
ECDU-USA President

President ECDU-USA Sir Mbuba said that Coronavirus may have hit America more than Nigeria, the government of United States may came more prepared for her citizens and the residents of the States than her counterpart Nigeria,which necessitated the sending the money to help people back home to start up again
In his acceptance address, Okpalanakana Ukabia Nri IV , Eze Enugwu-ukwu na Igwe Umunri expressed his profound gratitude to Enugwu-ukwu people living in America under the Umbrella Union ECDU. Igwe Umunri said that ECDU-USA has shown that they are people to be beckoned in time of need and they answer.
Igwe thanked the members of ECDU-USA for their spirit of love and togetherness which came into manifestation through the huge amount of money they sent in to be shared to people of Enugwu-ukwu, to help them start up again.

Viva ECDU-USA!!!

Published by Chibuike

Hi, my name is Agbanu Chibuike, a blogger at and Agbanu C blog ☎ 07051879042

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